1·Choosing the road scientifically and reasonably is one of the most effective measures to reduce the risk of liquid hazardous chemicals transportation.
2·While investigators have yet to determine the cause of either accident, the spills have drawn attention to oversight of the 167,000-mile system of hazardous liquid pipelines crisscrossing the nation.
3·Hazardous waste is any discarded material, liquid or solid, that contains the substances to be fatal, toxic, carcinogenic, ignitable, corrosive, or explosive to humans.
4·If a metal tank is partly filled with charged liquid, such as petroleum products, the electrostatic potential and field strength in the tank would become very high and hazardous.
5·The behavior of a pool formed due to leakage of a hazardous chemical liquid will result in severe secondary accidents, which has been safety engineering problem with considerable interest.
6·Subsequently, Congress enacted the pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation act that included several provisions that are relevant to the regulation of hazardous liquid pipelines.
7·Protect your laptop against everyday hazardous element that may get in between the keys like dust, food particles, insects and liquid.